Friday, May 29, 2009

killer cat

Hoppsan is 19 years old and the garden is still her domain. She's had a happy life and is famous for her feistiness (notice the jagged ears), but lately we have worried about her health. Her hearing is ailing, she is very skinny, and definitely has some renal issues. Yesterday, we found her proudly prancing around the kitchen with a recently deceased chipmunk in her mouth. Not that I want to promote violence in any way, but I could tell that this particular kill did wonders for her self esteem. She had singularly stalked out the hole to the burrows, waited for the innocent victim, and pounced when the time was just right. Not too bad for an ancient cat lady...


Bonbon Oiseau said...

Hoppsan is incredible! What a fine old huntress she is...
i LOVE this new place Lotta...really really love.

Julia said...

I can't believe she's 19 years old! Incredible :) I love that you started this space for us, I mean you :)

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